Thursday 1 June 2017

About Cardiff City Football Cards & Stickers

Cardiff City Football Cards & Stickers started way back in the 1990's as the "We Are Cardiff" fanzine. The fanzine was a way to share my enthusiasm for my new found collecting habit, it ran to 3 issues and this blog is an extension of that.

This blog is a ‘work-in-progress’ with the aim of cataloguing my own collection as well as showcasing as many Cardiff City trade cards, cigarette cards and stickers from around the world as possible. 

You can search by manufacturer or by decade of issue. 

I have also included some values on some of the items, which are taken from various sites, most of these you can find in the links section. This is meant just to be a guide, as prices fluctuate you may be able to find some things cheaper, while others may be more expensive, especially with the new trend for  "rookie" cards.

You will also see information on cards featuring other Welsh clubs and the national team, I decided to add this, as it may be of interest to collectors of the other Welsh teams. You won't find information on Welsh players who played for non-Welsh clubs.

I am also interested in any Cardiff City cards that I don't have, you can contact me through the blog.

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