Monday 27 February 2023

Chix Confectionery Co. Ltd - Footballers (Double picture) Series 1 - 1960

Year of issue: 1960
Issued by: Chix Confectionery Co. Ltd
Number of cards in set: 24
Approximate value (per card):

No. 22   Danny Malloy

There are four different versions of these cards in circulation. The blank backed ones are probably proof copies. The cartoon back version is common, the cartoon with pink shading version is the most difficult to find and last but not least the "Ask For Chix".

Saturday 25 February 2023

C. H. Knorr - Siege-Rekorde-Sensationen (Victories-Records-Sensations) - 1956

Year of Issue: 1956
Issued by: C. H. Knorr A.G.. heilbronn (Neckar), West Germany
Number of cards in set: 64
Approximate value (per card):

Nr. 57    Englische Rasen-Akrobaten

Arsenal v Cardiff City - Horton (Arsenal), Howells (Cardiff City), Stitfall (Cardiff City)  -   the album states that the game ended 1-0 to Cardiff City which dates the photo as 7 March, 1953 

Thursday 23 February 2023

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Leaf Ltd - Footballers - Portrait & Caricature - 1961

Year of issue: 1961
Issued by: Leaf Ltd
Number of cards in set: 20
Approximate value (per card): 

Graham Moore

Sunday 19 February 2023

Godfrey Phillips Ltd. / B.D.V. Cigarettes - League Colours (Silks) - 1920


Year of issue: 1920
Issued by: B.D.V. Cigarettes (Godfrey Phillips Ltd)
Number of cards in set: 
Approximate value (per card):

Cardiff City

Friday 17 February 2023

Godfrey Phillips Ltd - Sports Cigarettes - Footballers - 1950

Year of issue: 1950
Issued by: Sports Cigarettes (Godfrey Phillips Ltd)
Number of cards in set: 50
Approximate value (per card): 

S.W. Montgomery
A.T. Sherwood

These can be collected in five ways: as individual paper cards trimmed to the back of the packet and therefore anonymous or as complete packets that have been opened and laid flat. This collection was also issued printed on card that was used as a slide within the packet of cigarettes.

 On paper - trimmed to back of the packet - with blue frameline
On card - trimmed to folds of slide
'Sports' packet - on paper 5s - with blue frameline
 'Sports' packet - on paper 10s - with blue frameline
'Sports' slide - on card

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Carreras (Turf Cigarettes) - Footballers - 1948

Year of issue: 1948
Issued by: Turf Cigarettes (Carreras)
Number of cards in set: 50
Approximate value (per card): 

No. 12    A.T. Sherwood - Cardiff City & Wales

No. 8 / N0. 12    J. Harvey - Newcastle United / A.T. Sherwood - Cardiff City & Wales

Very few cigarette cards were produced after the end of World War II. There was a major paper shortage and one company in particular got around this process by printing cards on the slides of cigarette packets. This series of Footballers can be found in four different formats - cut to single or double cards and the complete slides from packets of 10 and 20 cigarettes, which are pictured.